Fahrenheit/Truffaut/Book People
My inspiration for these paintings came from a favorite scene from Truffaut's 1966 film of Fahrenheit 45 - the book people walking in a snowy forest. Bibliophiles forced to flee the city by an oppressive government which has banned books so they can memorize books to pass onto future generations.
cliff tisdell
feb 10, 2023
left: pencil sketch of Clarisse
below left: study for Truffaut/Fahernheit oil on canvas 10 x 20 in.
below right: Pride and Prejudice 12 x 16 in.
below center: Book People/Truffaut'/Fahrenheit oil on canvas 18 x 30 in.
bottom: Truffaut's Fahrenheit oil on canvas 24 x 40 in.
click on paintings for larger images